SPEAKER: Dr. Masashi Matsunaga, Oxentia Ltd.
MODERATOR: Takehiro Aoki, Eli Lilly Japan K.K.
HOSTING COMMITTEE: ACCJ-Kansai Business Programs Committee
Webinar: 17:00–18:00
Networking: 18:10–19:00
This event is supported by the Life Science Innovation Network Japan (LINK-J).
Technology series第二段では、英オックスフォード大学発のグローバルイノベーション企業Oxentiaの松永昌之シニアコンサルタントを招き、危機状況下においても力強くかつ柔軟性を維持しながら成長を続けている再生医療系スタートアップにおける改革的なオペレーションの事例を、講師の実体験をもとに紹介します。
NOTE: ウェビナー終了後、ウェビナー参加者で希望される方のみ講師の松永昌之博士とのネットワーキングセッションに参加できます。登録サイトより別途お申し込みの上、6月23日(火)) 12:00までに へ名刺のPDFデータをお送りください。
The downturn in economic growth due to the Covid-19 pandemic will have an impact on fundraising and exit strategies of startups, as well as M&A strategies of large companies. For example, the ratio of IPOs at startups and long-term research and development at enterprises will decrease, since they tend to reduce the time for in-house development. As a result, it is predicted that the move toward shorter-term corporate acquisition focused on viability will accelerate.
For the second event in the ACCJ-Kansai technology series, we are pleased to welcome Dr. Masashi Matsunaga, senior consultant at Oxentia Ltd., a global innovation company started by the University of Oxford. He will share examples of innovative operations that have occurred at regenerative medicine startups, and how these continue to grow while maintaining strength and flexibility—even in these challenging times.
Dr. Matsunaga will also introduce new measures for corporate open innovation that allow discovery and evaluation of unique technology startups in a timely manner, and that also effectively advance alliances, partnerships, and M&A possibilities.
In addition, he will talk about the success of accelerating intra-venture business and how to develop new business inside the company in a short period of time. He will also share the story of his ideal image of the future and thoughts on action plans, struggles up to now, and career development.
Note: After the webinar, participants will have the opportunity to join a virtual networking session with Dr. Matsunaga. If you would like to participate, please register and send your business card (in PDF format) to by noon on Tuesday, June 23. (Please attend the main event to sign up for the networking event.)
Join the Business Programs Committee and Dr. Matsunaga for a chance to socialize and share your feedback about the event. We also welcome discussion and a deep dive into the main session topic and Dr. Matsunaga’s career, as well as potential partnerships and business opportunities.
About the Speaker
講師略歴・松永昌之(Oxentia, シニアコンサルタント, Ph.D.)
英国にてPh.D.取得後、グローバル・ライフサイエンスおよび化学企業におけるB-to-B, B-to-Cビジネス・マーケティング等を経験し、自身もコンサル会社Biospire株式会社を経営する。日英の政府、企業、大学、エコシステム(Link-Jサポーターも兼務)、VCとの豊富な人脈を有する。英ケンブリッジ大学発の再生医療ベンチャーDefiniGENにおいて、企業オペレ ーション及びビジネスデベロップメントを5年間にわたり実施。現在はオックスフォード大学のGlobal Innovation Consultant会社Oxentiaにおいて、日系ベンチャーのグローバル化を後押しするプログラムや、企業向けオープンイノベーションを対象とした技術移転等のマネジメントを行っている。英オックスフォード在住。
Dr. Masashi Matsunaga has a background in biomedical and life sciences and specializes in international business development and strategic network building. He has more than 20 years of business development, product marketing, and commercial operations management experience, and worked for global corporates before co-founding Biospire Japan, an international consultancy specializing in early-stage technology management.
Matsunaga is an active figure in the Japanese innovation ecosystem, and is an advisor for MEDISO (the Medical Innovation Support Office), a Japanese government-funded program supporting medical startups. He also works closely with LINK-J, the Life Sciences Innovation Network Japan. Matsunaga is passionate about promoting collaboration between UK and Japanese startups and investors to unlock the commercialization potential of cutting-edge science and technology research. He resides in Oxford, England.
*当イベントは日本語で実施されます. This webinar will be conducted in Japanese.