Respecting Member Privacy

The ACCJ is here to help you build your network, and we hope that you will help build the Chamber as well by introducing your friends and business associates to what the ACCJ offers.

Networking is a core pillar of the ACCJ. At its best, networking has always been one part art and one part science, but in today's technological world, a third part, responsibility, is taking on equal significance. To keep our organization strong and to respect the privacy of our members, we ask you to vigilantly observe the following points: 

  • The ACCJ is run by and for its members, with an infrastructure dependent on membership dues. The Chamber must therefore restrict the right to attend events to enrolled, dues-paying members and their accompanied guests only. Unless specifically stated on either an event notice or the website, non-members may not attend events in place of a member. Membership privileges are not transferable. 

  • This Directory lists all ACCJ members who have not explicitly requested the omission of their contact information. It is distributed exclusively to ACCJ members for the sole purpose of facilitating communications among members. The ACCJ does not provide this Directory to non-members. For the privacy and satisfaction of our members, each member who receives this Directory is prohibited from providing this Directory or its data to third parties. This policy covers both print and digital versions of the Directory, as well as any other format that the ACCJ may provide.

  • The accumulated data in this Directory must not be used as the source data for mass e-mail solicitations or messaging in any form. 

  • Mass e-mail messaging to large groups of ACCJ members, including but not limited to committees and task forces, may be conducted by ACCJ members only through ACCJ staff and only using specific e-mail lists maintained by the ACCJ office. Any exception to this policy must be approved by the ACCJ Executive Director. 

Privacy Policy

1. Introduction
This Privacy Policy describes the personally identifiable information that the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan collects and how we use that information. If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy or our practices regarding your personally identifiable information, please contact the ACCJ office.

2. The Information That We Collect
The ACCJ collects two types of information:
(1) Personally identifiable information: In the course of your dealings with the ACCJ you may provide us with personally identifiable information, including your first name, middle name, surname, workplace address, telephone and facsimile numbers and email address, home address, telephone and facsimile numbers and email address; cell phone number and email address, job title and function, profession, supervisors, department, business unit and location; educational and professional history; bank account details, credit card information, tax identification number and other information required for billing and payment; past transaction history with the ACCJ such as committee/board/chair membership; events attended, purchased publications, subscription information, order history for directory ads, mailing labels, donations, meal preferences and photographs. If you contact us by email,
telephone, facsimile, postal mail or otherwise, we may keep a record of your contact information and correspondence.

(2) Non-personally identifiable information: We may use cookies to collect non-personally identifiable information in connection with our websites, Our web pages may incorporate "pixel tags," "web beacons," or similar tracking technologies (collectively, "pixel tags") that allow us or our agents to track the actions of users of our sites. Pixel tags are used to collect non-personally identifiable information, such as the name of your internet service provider, the IP address of the computer you are using, the type of browser software and operating system that you use, the date and time you access our sites, the website address, if any, from which you linked directly to our sites, the website address, if any, to which you travel from our sites, and other similar traffic-related information. We may also aggregate your information with similar data collected from other users to help us improve our sites and the services that we provide through our sites.

3. How We Use the Personally Identifiable Information We Gather
We use personally identifiable information to: provide Members with lists of Members and contact information and to provide Members with updated information on other Members such as change of address, executive appointments, promotions, etc.; provide information to Members and Non-Members regarding ACCJ events, goods and services; compile, produce, edit and mail the ACCJ Membership Directory, ACCJ Journal and other ACCJ publications; compile, print and sell mailing labels to Members; sell ads in connection with ACCJ publications; provide networking opportunities and tools for Members; liaise and communicate with American, Japanese and other governmental and business groups to protect American business interests; provide Non-Members with promotional materials regarding ACCJ membership, events, goods and services available to Non-Members; provide Non-Members with information regarding Members to the extent that some Members have consented to such disclosure; respond to submissions of business proposals; perform accounting activities such as billing and payment; correspond with Members regarding billing and payment issues, membership and subscription renewals, etc.; and respond to inquiries from Members and Non-Members. 

The ACCJ on occasion may open events to Non-Members, in which case information about such events may be sent to Non-Members. When Non- Members sign up for the respective event, their names will be included on internal attendance lists. In addition, Members may bring Non-Members to events as their guests, in which case the names of their guests will be included on internal attendance lists.

4. Methods of Disclosure and Member options for limiting disclosure
When personal information regarding Members is shared with Members or Non-Members pursuant to the purposes of use indicated in Section 3 above, the method of disclosure may be by direct person-to-person contact, telephone, facsimile, mail, email, internet website, ACCJ publications or mailing labels. Members may change certain preferences regarding the disclosure of their personal information to Members and Non-Members at any time (please refer to Section 5 below regarding "Obtaining, Changing or Deleting Personal Information; Handling of Complaints").

Notwithstanding any of the foregoing, we may provide personal information to certain delegates (including their employees, contractors, agents, and designees) or third party service providers to the extent necessary to enable them to perform certain administrative functions (such as providing photocopying, mailing, printing and website-related services (e.g., web hosting, website-related services and features, or maintenance services) on our behalf, or so that they may provide us with products and services, including tax and legal services; translation/interpretation services; benefits administration; and payroll services. We also may disclose personal information to any third party if we believe that we are required to do so by applicable law. 

Please also note that, even without your consent, the ACCJ may use some of your personal information where it is legally permitted to do so.

5. Obtaining, Changing or Deleting Personal Information; Handling of Complaints
The ACCJ has established automated methods for Members to make appropriate changes to personal information as supplied by Members by logging on to the ACCJ website at You may also request disclosure of your personal information and request that inaccurate information is corrected, amended, or, where appropriate, deleted by contacting the ACCJ office. 

Please note that the ACCJ may not disclose personal information where such non-disclosure is consistent with applicable law. 

You may also request that the ACCJ cease the use of your personal information on the grounds that such personal information was used (including provision of held personal information to a third party) or acquired in violation of Japanese law. 

Members may also set and change certain preferences regarding the sharing of their personal information with Members and Non-Members by either logging on to or contacting the ACCJ Membership Department at 

By default, Members receive broadcast communications from the ACCJ by email. However, you have the option to receive none at all, which can be exercised by calling the ACCJ Membership Department at 03-3433-7304 or sending an email to 

If you have any complaints, you may contact the ACCJ office.

6. Security
The ACCJ will take the appropriate legal, organizational, and technical measures to protect personal information consistent with applicable law regarding the protection of personal information.

7. Revisions to Privacy Policy
The ACCJ will review and improve our handling of personal information as necessary. Our most current privacy policy will always be posted on this page, so please review its terms regularly.

8. Links to Other Sites

Our sites may contain links to other websites. Please be aware that we are not and cannot be responsible for the privacy practices of non-ACCJ websites.

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Further to the above Privacy Policy, the ACCJ also asks members to respect fellow members' privacy by:

  • not sharing the personal data in the print and/or online membership directories with non-members, including with colleagues in the same company who are not enrolled in the ACCJ.

  • not sharing your ACCJ Member Data Center password with others and by changing the password when there is a possibility it has been compromised.

  • not using ACCJ data for general solicitation purposes or for broadcast messaging.

  • always clearly identifying yourself and the purpose of the contact upfront.

  • contacting the ACCJ Privacy Officer when someone is believed to be misusing ACCJ member data and/or is misrepresenting affiliation with the ACCJ.

To report incidents that you believe involve improper solicitation or use of member data, write to the ACCJ office.


1. はじめに


2. ACCJが収集する情報


(1) 個人を特定できる情報:ACCJとの取引において、利用者は、ファーストネーム、ミドルネーム、姓、勤務先の住所、電話番号、ファックス番号、Eメールアドレス、自宅住所、電話番号、ファックス番号、Eメールアドレス、携帯電話の番号及びEメールアドレス、役職、職業、上司、部署、事業部門、所在地学歴および職歴、銀行口座の詳細、クレジットカード情報、納税者番号、その他請求および支払いに必要な情報、委員会/理事会/委員長のメンバーシップなどACCJとの過去の取引履歴、出席したイベント、購入した出版物、購読情報、名簿広告の注文履歴、郵送ラベル、寄付、食事の好み、写真を含む個人を特定できる情報を提供することがあります。Eメール、電話、ファクシミリ、郵便またはその他の手段で当社にご連絡いただいた場合、当社はお客様の連絡先情報および通信の記録を保管することがあります。

(2) 個人を特定できない情報: 当社は、当社のウェブサイト(に関連して、クッキーを使用して個人を特定できない情報を収集することがあります。当社のウェブページには、「ピクセルタグ」、「ウェブビーコン」、または類似の追跡技術(総称して「ピクセルタグ」)が組み込まれている場合があり、これにより当社または当社の代理人が当社サイトのユーザーの行動を追跡することができます。ピクセルタグは、お客様のインターネットサービスプロバイダ名、お客様が使用しているコンピュータのIPアドレス、お客様が使用しているブラウザソフトウェアおよびオペレーティングシステムの種類、お客様が当社サイトにアクセスした日時、お客様が当社サイトに直接リンクしたウェブサイトアドレス(ある場合)、お客様が当社サイトから移動したウェブサイトアドレス(ある場合)、およびその他の同様のトラフィック関連情報など、個人を特定できない情報を収集するために使用されます。当社はまた、当社サイトおよび当社サイトを通じて提供するサービスの改善に役立てるため、お客様の情報を他のユーザーから収集した同様のデータと集計することがあります。

3. 収集した個人情報の利用目的

当社は、個人を特定できる情報を以下の目的で利用します。会員に会員リストおよび連絡先情報を提供し、会員に住所変更、役員任命、昇進などの他の会員に関する最新情報を提供します。 ACCJのイベント、商品およびサービスに関する情報を会員および非会員に提供するため、ACCJ会員名簿、ACCJジャーナルおよびその他のACCJ出版物を取りまとめ、作成、編集、郵送するため、メンバーへの郵送用ラベルを取りまとめ、印刷、販売するため、ACCJ出版物に関連する広告を販売するため、メンバー同士のネットワーキングの機会および手段を提供するため、アメリカ、日本、その他の政府機関およびビジネス団体と連絡を取り、アメリカのビジネス利益を保護するため; 非会員に対して、ACCJ会員資格、イベント、非会員が利用可能な商品およびサービスに関する宣伝資料を提供すること、一部の会員が情報開示に同意している範囲において、会員に関する情報を非会員に対して提供すること、ビジネス提案の提出に対応すること、請求および支払い等の経理業務を行うこと、請求および支払いに関する問題、会員資格および購読の更新等に関して会員と連絡を取ること、会員および非会員からの問い合わせに対応すること。


4. 開示の方法および開示の制限に関する会員の選択肢




5. 個人情報の取得、変更または削除、苦情の処理




また、会員は、 にログインするか、ACCJメンバーシップ部(に連絡することにより、会員および非会員との個人情報の共有に関する設定を変更することができます。



6. セキュリティ


7. プライバシーポリシーの改訂


8. 他のサイトへのリンク


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  • ACCJに登録していない同じ会社の同僚を含め、印刷物および/またはオンラインの会員名簿に記載されている個人データを会員以外の者と共有しないこと。

  • ACCJ会員データセンターのパスワードを他人と共有しないこと。また、パスワードが漏洩した可能性がある場合には、パスワードを変更すること。

  • ACCJのデータを、一般的な勧誘目的やブロードキャストメッセージに使用しないこと。

  • 常に、明確に名乗り、かつ、連絡の目的を明確にすること。

  • 誰かがACCJ会員のデータを不正に使用していると思われる場合、またはACCJとの関係を偽っていると思われる場合には、ACCJプライバシーオフィサーに連絡すること。


Social Media Guidelines

ACCJ members know all too well the tremendous positive impact effective leveraging of social media can have for their business in today's world. The ACCJ also recognizes how critical social media is as an outlet for engagement with members, prospective members, and the general public. To facilitate this engagement, the ACCJ has augmented its presence in a variety of social media outlets, including most prominently Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. 

In concert with that increased presence, the ACCJ recognizes the need to at once encourage member-and non-member-driven engagement, while at the same time, present some guidelines that will hopefully maximize the benefits these outlets can provide for both members and the Chamber simultaneously. 

As with any medium of public exposure and communication, social media has the potential to lead to unintended consequences. The guidelines enumerated below are intended to help members and other users avoid potential pitfalls that are present with the use of social media. Many of the following are taken from best practices found at various institutions similar to the ACCJ, and are intended to help members understand some of the implications of participation in social media as it relates to the ACCJ. 

Social media refers to online tools and services that allow any Internet user to create and publish content. Many of these sites use personal profiles in which users post information about themselves. The "social" in social media comes in as these individuals find others with similar interests and interact with them through online communities, sharing information, opinions and knowledge, offering support and networking. Social media also allows for the easy sharing and re-purposing of existing content, expanding the reach of one’s influence/ engagement and enabling others to share ideas/ opinions/information with friends and networks. Popular social media services include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, blogs, YouTube and Flickr. 

The ACCJ uses social media to share information and facilitate discussions on relevant topics with the public. 

ACCJ's official social media presences include: 

The ACCJ posts information on upcoming events, links to Chamber news and event recaps, photos, and other ACCJ-related documents to many of its social networking sites. The ACCJ welcomes feedback and recommendations for posts from members on its SNS sites. 

Using social media to share opinions, information, photos, and news about the ACCJ is an excellent and inexpensive way for members and the public to engage with one another and promote the work of the ACCJ. 

When sharing information about or engaging in discussions related to the ACCJ, please keep the following guidelines in mind. 

  • Cite Original Sources: In general, the best way to share information is by linking back to the original source, such as the page on the ACCJ website or the original post on the ACCJ's social media account. 

  • Maintain Privacy and Confidentiality: Do not post private information of individuals without their permission. Do not post confidential information. Also, please remember that views/opinions you post on the ACCJ's social media websites are public, are usually searchable and furthermore linked to your profile (depending on how you choose to identify yourself), so be prudent in which views you express and how you want to express them. 

  • Maintain Transparency: Be clear in your social media profiles and in your posts about your relationship with the ACCJ. Be authentic, and be clear when you are posting your personal views that they are not necessarily the views of the ACCJ. Do not use pseudonyms or post as someone else. 

  • Be Responsible: You are ultimately liable for what you post. Keep this in mind when choosing what information to share and how to share it. 

  • Correct Mistakes: If you make a mistake, acknowledge and correct that mistake. In posts, you can strike out the incorrect text and add a correction underneath. In comments, you can add an additional comment correcting your incorrect comment. You should not delete posts or mistaken text unless you are posting a correction and stating that the previous content was deleted. Deleting mistakes without comment can be seen as deceptive or as if you are trying to "hide" something. 

  • Respect Others: The ACCJ is committed to maintaining a safe and respectful Internet community for everyone. To maintain a respectable online identity, you should not make any comments that consist of attacks on others, defamation, or hate speech of any kind. 

  • Add Value: When you use social media you are part of a larger community, sharing information and ideas and engaging in discussions. Make sure all your posts and comments contribute to that community in a positive way by providing useful information; staying on-topic in discussions; and by offering your unique viewpoint. 

  • Think Twice, Post Once: The Internet is forever. Even deleted posts and comments can be found in archives, screen captures, and by other means. Things that you post can be found years later. If you would not say something in a face-to-face conversation, or do not think you would be proud of what you say in the future, you should not post it on the Internet. 

The ACCJ maintains presence on several SNS outlets, and engages with members and non-members alike. It does so by maintaining a presence on the following sites to which members and non-members who have "joined" or otherwise enabled themselves to "post" or publish information and/or opinions that are then visible on those ACCJ-maintained sites. 

Twitter (@AmChamJapan) 
Facebook (The.ACCJ) 
LinkedIn (AmCham Japan) 
YouTube (AmChamJapan) 

Unless posted by an official administrator of an ACCJ-linked account, anything posted on ACCJ-linked accounts represents the opinion(s) of the posting person(s) and should not be attributed to the ACCJ or any of its constitutional entities (councils, committees, subcommittees, and other groups). 

In general, the ACCJ encourages engagement and thoughtful discussion via the outlets made available through social networking sites; however, the ACCJ reserves the right to remove posts it deems offensive and "block" users found repeatedly in violation of the spirit of engagement that these sites represent. "Blocked" members may appeal their blocked status with the ACCJ Secretariat, and if satisfactory resolution cannot be found through those means, those appeals will be forwarded for consideration by the leaders of the Communications Advisory Council. In severe cases, the Board of Governors will review complaints and issue necessary directives. 

The strength and value of the ACCJ has always been found in the tremendous quality and integrity of its members. While the Internet continues to evolve and transform some of the ways in which we interact with one another, that core of excellence the membership represents remains unchanged. We look forward to how members will advance conversations that the ACCJ helps initiate through these new outlets of interaction and keep the ACCJ really at the forefront of what's happening in the business world.

Antitrust Statement

The American Chamber of Commerce in Japan (ACCJ) is committed to adhering strictly to the letter and spirit of Japanese and U.S. antitrust, competition and antimonopoly laws. Meetings conducted under the ACCJ’s auspices are designated solely to provide a forum for the expression of various points of view on topics described in meeting agendas.

Under no circumstances shall ACCJ meetings be used as a means for competing companies to reach any understanding, expressed or implied, which tends to restrict competition, to engage in prohibited anti-competitive conduct, or in any way, to impair the ability of ACCJ members to exercise independent business judgement regarding matters affecting competition.

ACCJ members, particularly those active in industry Committees, should familiarize themselves with the relevant principles of applicable law and keep them in mind when taking part in ACCJ activities.

This Statement contains only the most basic principles to be respected under applicable antitrust, competition and antimonopoly laws. Each ACCJ member is responsible for complying with such laws and for ensuring that its employees respect and are aware of their obligations under such laws. Committee leaders at industry committee working meetings are encouraged to make an announcement at the beginning of those meetings reminding participants of anti-trust considerations.

This statement has been approved by the ACCJ Board of Governors and is official ACCJ policy. This Statement shall be shared with all industry-based committees, and the Executive Director shall take measures to ensure that this Statement is read aloud to industry-based committee members regularly, at a minimum once a year.