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[Virtual] Technology Series #5: 再生医療ビジネス最前線 ~細胞医療の実用化~

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[Japanese Webinar] The Front Line of the Regenerative Medicine Business: Practical Application of Cell Medicine

Time: 17:00–18:00 (Webinar: Webex); 18:10–19:00 (Networking: Google Meet)

Speaker: Dr. Takahiro Iwamiya, Co-founder, Metcela Inc.

Hosting Committee: Kansai Business Programs

Member/Guest Fee: ¥0

Registration/Cancellation Deadline: Wednesday, December 9 (Noon)

Instructions for joining the virtual meeting will be sent to registered attendees after the above stated deadline.

当イベントは一般社団法人ライフサイエンス・イノベーション・ネットワーク・ジャパン(LINK-J)との協力イベントです。This event is supported by the Life Science Innovation Network Japan (LINK-J) 

<Event Overview>

Technology Series第5弾では、Metcelaの岩宮 貴紘氏をお迎えしお送りします。


·      メトセラの科学技術 -心不全再生医療の実際と動向を交えて-

·      創業科学者としてメトセラを経営して気づいた点、失敗した点

·      起業 = 科学者の新しいキャリアプラン

·      メトセラの将来 -研究開発型ベンチャーの正しい在り方

※ 当イベントは日本語で実施されます。ウェビナー終了後18時10分より、ウェビナー参加者で希望される方のみ講師の岩宮 貴紘氏とのネットワーキングセッションに参加できます。

In this fifth session of our Technology Series, the ACCJ-Kansai Business Programs Committee is pleased to welcome Dr. Takahiro Iwamiya, co-founder of Metcela Inc.

 The number of patients with heart failure is on the rise worldwide. Providing new treatment opportunities for this disease is an urgent issue, as there is concern that—due to the so-called heart failure pandemic—the number of cases and patients, as well as medical expenses, will increase.

Against this backdrop, Metcela is developing a combination regenerative medicine product: 1) VCAM1-positive cardiac fibroblasts (VCF) which assist with myocardial regeneration, and 2) a catheter for cell administration.

In this session, Dr. Iwamiya will discuss:

  • Metcela’s science and technology, as well as the actual situation and trends of regenerative medicine for heart failure

  • Observations and failures he has experienced managing Metcela as a founding scientist

  • Entrepreneurship as a new career path for scientists

  • The future of Metcela and the ideal image of an R&D-type venture

NOTE: This webinar will be conducted in Japanese. After the presentation, participants will have an opportunity to join a virtual networking session with Dr. Iwamiya.

<About the Speaker>

講師略歴・岩宮 貴紘(Metcela, Co-founder/Co-CEO, Ph.D.)


Takahiro Iwamiya graduated from Tokyo Women’s Medical University with a PhD in medicine in March 2014. In 2010, he began working on regeneration of the heart and cardiac fibroblasts at Tokyo Women’s Medical University, Center for Advanced Biomedical Sciences (TWIns). In 2014, he led a team researching tissue regeneration with fibroblasts at the Institute for Advanced Biosciences at Keio University, and began to prepare for the launch of Metcela Inc. As a co-founder of Metcela, Dr. Iwamiya is responsible for all R&D matters, from planning to implementation. He was born in 1984.

 Kansai Business Programs Committee
Yasumasa Sakamoto and Mie Kitano, Co-Chairs

NOTE 1: This event is OFF THE RECORD.

NOTE 2: Please note that, as with all guest presentations, the content and comments of the speakers reflect their own opinions and do not necessarily represent the opinions or policies of the ACCJ.

NOTE 3: In an effort to continue to provide more virtual networking opportunities for members, the ACCJ will be testing out a LinkedIn page for this event. We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to virtually connect and interact with your fellow members before and after the event.

December 9

[Virtual] Recent Changes to Japanese Law Business Owners and Managers Should be Aware Of, Part 1: Civil Code Edition

June 10

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