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[Virtual] Technology Series #4 Chatwork創業者が語る、withコロナafterコロナのビジネスと働き方

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[Japanese Webinar] How Covid-19 and Online Communication Are Changing Business and Work: Fireside Chat with the Founder of Chatwork

Time: 17:00–18:00 (Webinar: Webex); 18:10–19:00 (Networking: Google Meet)

Speaker: Toshiyuki Yamamoto, Founder and former CEO, Chatworks

Hosting Committee: Kansai Business Programs

Member/Guest Fee: ¥0

Registration/Cancellation Deadline: Thursday, November 26 (Noon)

Instructions for joining the virtual meeting will be sent to registered attendees after the above stated deadline.

当イベントは一般社団法人ライフサイエンス・イノベーション・ネットワーク・ジャパン(LINK-J)との協力イベントです。This event is supported by the Life Science Innovation Network Japan (LINK-J) 

 Event Overview

Technology Series第4弾では、山本敏行氏をお迎えしお送りします。



※ 当イベントは日本語で実施されます。ウェビナー終了後18時10分より、ウェビナー参加者で希望される方のみ講師の山本敏行氏とのネットワーキングセッションに参加できます。事前にご登録お願い致します。

Online communication in business is becoming much more important as Covid-19 continues to disrupt how we work. As a business chat tool created in Japan, Chatwork has been growing not only at home but also overseas—especially in Southeast Asia. The Kansai Business Programs Committee has invited Toshiyuki Yamamoto, the founder and former CEO of Chatwork, for a fireside chat about his personal history, including how he started the company, his struggle in Silicon Valley, his views on the future of business and workstyle, and his vision to energize Japan. Additionally, Mr. Yamamoto will explain his network for capitalizing and cultivating startups.

* Note that this webinar will be conducted in Japanese. After the webinar, participants will have an opportunity to join a virtual networking session with Mr. Yamamoto. If you would like to participate, please register. 

About the Speaker

山本敏行(やまもと としゆき)

1979年3月21日、大阪府寝屋川市生まれ。中央大学商学部在学中の2000年、留学先のロサンゼルスでEC Studio(2012年にChatwork株式会社に社名変更)を創業。『自分がいなくてもうまくいく仕組み』『日本で一番社員満足度が高い会社の非常識な働き方』を出版し、いずれの著書もアマゾン売上総合ランキング1位を獲得。


2018年にChatwork株式会社のCEOを共同創業者の弟に譲り、翌2019年に東証マザーズへ550億円超の時価総額で上場。同年新サービスの「My CSO」をスタートさせ、ビジネスYouTubeチャンネル『戦略チャンネル』でこれまでの経験、ノウハウを配信している。


Toshiyuki Yamamoto was born in Osaka in 1979. While a student at Chuo University’s Faculty of Commerce, he studied abroad in Los Angeles. It was there, in 2000, that he founded EC Studio. The company was renamed in 2012 when he launched Chatwork USA in Silicon Valley. He operated the company for five years.

In 2018, Yamamoto handed over the role of CEO to his little brother and, in 2019, listed the company on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers Market with a capitalization of more than ¥55 billion. He started a new service called My CSO and launched the Strategy Channel on YouTube, through which he shares his experiences and techniques. 

He has published two books—The System which Works without Yourself and The Unusual Work Style of the No.1 Company Measured by Employee Satisfaction in Japan—both of which achieve the top ranking on Amazon Japan.


Toshiyuki Yamamoto (2).jpeg

NOTE 1: This event is OFF THE RECORD.

NOTE 2: Please note that, as with all guest presentations, the content and comments of the speakers reflect their own opinions and do not necessarily represent the opinions or policies of the ACCJ.

NOTE 3: In an effort to continue to provide more virtual networking opportunities for members, a LinkedIn page has been created for this event. We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to virtually connect and interact with your fellow members before and after the event.

November 26

[Virtual] How a Traditional Japanese Company Shifted to a True Cloud Environment

December 5

Virtual ACCJ Charity Ball