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[Virtual] The Next Big Thing: Google’s Startup Goals in Japan

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SPEAKER: Tim Romero, Head of Google for Startups Japan

CO-HOSTING COMMITTEES: Alternative Investment Committee and Independent Business Committee


GUEST FEE: ¥1200

DATE AND TIME: November 17, 2020 1:00 - 2:00pm
Post-Event Breakout Room 2:00 - 2:20pm*


Over the past few years, startups in Japan have transformed from a novelty to a force that is changing the country. There are currently more than 63 Japanese startups with a valuation over ¥10 billion, and startup investment set a record in 2019. Increasing amounts of foreign investment is flowing into Japanese startups, and more and more Japanese startups are entering overseas markets. 

Google launched Google for Startups Japan in November 2019. The Google for Startups Tokyo campus is Google’s seventh, and Google is already working closely with Japanese startups across a wide variety of industries.  

Tim Romero, Head of Google for Startups Japan, will discuss how things have changed for startups in Japan and key trends to watch, including:

  • Google’s startup activities and goals in Japan;

  • The effect of the COVID-19 crisis on innovation and how the pandemic has impacted startups; and

  • The role startups will play in Japan’s economic revitalization and future growth. 

Speaker Profile:

Tim Romero is Head of Google for Startups Japan and host of the Disrupting Japan podcast. Tim is deeply involved in Japan's startup community as an investor, founder, author and educator, and he has founded several startups in Japan over the past 25 years. Tim has also taught entrepreneurship and corporate innovation at NYU’s Tokyo campus and worked with TEPCO and other Japanese enterprises on startup engagement and innovation strategy. 

Alternative Investment Committee
Independent Business Committee

NOTE 1: This event is OFF THE RECORD

NOTE 2: Please note that, as with all guest presentations, the content and comments of the speakers reflect their own opinions and do not necessarily represent the opinions or policies of the ACCJ.

NOTE 3: If you cancel after the stated deadline, the full meeting fee will be charged to your account. All guests must be accompanied by an ACCJ member. Sorry, no substitutions or walk-ins.

*NOTE 4: In an effort to continue to provide more virtual networking opportunities for members, a LinkedIn event page has been created for this event. We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to virtually connect and interact with your fellow members before and after the event. 

There will be a Google Breakout Room available for you to further discuss the event or network with fellow participants after the event.  This link will be open for 20 minutes after the event for your use. Dial-in details for the event and breakout room will be sent out after the RSVP deadline. 

November 13

[Virtual] Immigration Services Agency and U.S. Embassy Info at All-Member Town Hall

November 17

[Virtual] Break Out of the Networking Slump (Joint Chamber event co-hosted with the BCCJ)