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ACCJ - UKG Panel Discussion “Digital Transformation- in Kansai Governments and Business”


Governor Taizo Mikazuki, Governor of Shiga Prefecture

Kazuyoshi Kamei, Department Director - General Affairs Department, Tottori Prefecture Government

Mitsuyoshi Kobayashi, President, Representative Director, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone West Corporation

Narinder Seth, Senior IT Director, CIO of Eli Lilly Japan K.K.

James Miller, ACCJ New Digital Agenda White Paper Task Force Chair

Hosting Committee: Kansai External Affairs

Venue: Virtual

Member Fee: ¥600

Guest Fee: ¥,1200 

Registration/Cancellation Deadline: Thursday, October 15 (17:00)

Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in both Japanese and English for the event.

This event will be hosted as a webinar. Instructions for joining the virtual meeting will be sent to registered attendees after the above stated deadline.

Event Overview:


Join us for the ACCJ Kansai's annual discussion with representatives from the Union of Kansai Governments (UKG). This year's public-private dialogue will focus Digital Transformation, known as “DX,” in Kansai Government and Businesses.

Working together with U.S. partners in the U.S.-Japan Internet and Digital Economy dialogues, Japan has made progress in developing digital-friendly policies, particularly in cloud computing, IoT, cybersecurity, and data protection. However, the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated that much work remains to digitize the infrastructure in the government and business sectors. This panel will explore these opportunities for “DX”in Kansai Government and Businesses, and how the two sectors can work together to build an even stronger innovation ecosystem.

Steve Iwamura

ACCJ Kansai – External Affairs Committee

NOTE 1: These events are ON THE RECORD.

NOTE 2: Please note that, as with all guest presentations, the content and comments of the speakers reflect their own opinions and do not necessarily represent the opinions or policies of the ACCJ.  
NOTE 3: If you cancel after the stated deadline, the full event fee will be charged to your account. Sorry, no substitutions.
NOTE 4: Kansai Gold Card applies for this event.

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