Entrepreneurship in Japan and Beyond

Oak Lawn Marketing co-founder Robert Roche shares his personal journey

By C Bryan Jones

When entrepreneurs consider entering the Japanese market, often they eye the nation’s capital as their starting point. The allure of Greater Tokyo, with its population of more than 35 million, is strong. But ask American Chamber of Commerce in Japan (ACCJ) Vice President-Chubu Robert Roche where you should start and he’ll invite you west, to the city of Nagoya.

It was there that the entrepreneur, investor, civic leader, and philanthropist got his start building businesses, and he believes that the capital of Aichi Prefecture, in the central Japan region of Chubu, remains one of the best places in the country for entrepreneurs.

He expanded on this while also sharing his personal business journey on September 3, during an event hosted by the ACCJ-Chubu Programs Committee. The virtual session was a one-on-one discussion between Roche and his longtime friend and ACCJ-Chubu External Affairs Committee Co-chair Michel Weenick. Together, in 1990, they helped found the American Business Community Nagoya (ABCN), a hub for the US and greater international business communities in Nagoya. The ABCN became the Chubu chapter of the ACCJ in 2000.

The Magic of Nagoya

Roche joined the session from China, where he currently invests and does business in addition to his US and Japanese endeavors. But he remains very involved in Nagoya. In 2018, he returned to Oak Lawn Marketing, Inc., the company he co-founded with Tadashi Nakamura almost 30 years ago, as executive chairman and president.

Although Oak Lawn Marketing, and its Shop Japan e-commerce brand, are well known today, their start is sure to inspire burgeoning entrepreneurs. Roche shared the story.

Recalling those early years after university, when he had recently married, he explained: “My wife’s family is from Nagoya, and they didn’t want me to be anywhere else. So, I had this constraint of needing to figure out something to do. I didn’t know what to do, but [whatever it was] I needed to do it in Nagoya.”

One of the things he said was most important to him about being a young entrepreneur in Nagoya was the access to people whom he never would have met in Tokyo.

He soon met Harry Hill, a current ACCJ governor who has long been a leader in the Chubu community as well.

“Harry and I became partners pretty much the second day after we met, in 1990. He had his own business, and I had my ‘business’ that really wasn’t a business—it was just me kind of doing stuff,” he shared. “Then he and I formed H&R Consultants together, and that was really the beginning of a successful creation of a business. We are very complementary. He’s very good at stuff that I’m not very good at, and I’m very good at stuff that he’s less good at.”

Roche said that’s how he got started on the entrepreneurial front. At first, they made just enough money to survive. But after expanding H&R and earning a bit more, he got into the import–export business.

On Air

Initially, Roche was importing Tiffany products and L.L. Bean bags. His partner, Nakamura, being a local with lots of connections in Nagoya, was able to set up some meetings with a local TV shopping company.

“In the early 1990s, there was this show called Waku Waku Terebi Shoppingu. They would tape a one-hour program once a month and run it over and over on 25–30 stations. We were lucky enough to secure a four-minute spot for Tiffany,” Roche recalled.

Soon he found himself selling Tiffany items on television in Japanese—a stint that his mother-in-law enjoyed critiquing—and the seeds for Oak Lawn Marketing and Shop Japan were planted.

As a result of these appearances, Roche gained a reputation for having access to the country’s TV shopping market. One day, in 1992, he received a call from a company in Canada that was selling all sorts of products on CNN. Viewers around the world could call a local number in their country and order items such as the now-famous Didi Seven stain remover. But not in Japan.

The company saw Roche as their path into the market. They told him that he needed to have a call center, a fulfillment center, and all sort of other things.

“I didn’t have a call center. I didn’t have logistics ready. I didn’t have anything,” Roche recalled. “I said, ‘Sure we got it, we’re gonna go, you just let us know.’ And then they said that we had to make a minimum order. I asked how much, and we just scrambled to get the money together. And we ordered all this stuff.”

At the start, Roche and Nakamura just ran calls through their tiny 100-square-meter office. They stored products there as well. The calls started rolling in, and the business grew. Doing fulfillment from the office wasn’t easy. “One of the products was a stepper machine, and some days we’d send out 100. We were landlocked, trapped in the office until the Sagawa guy came and took the boxes away,” he remembered.

“If I was a better planner, I would have had all that stuff in place before the first call came. But we just had to adapt. And that was good, because we learned every key part of the business. The very beginning, that was fantastic.”

Shop Japan has grown immensely since Roche’s TV Tiffany days. This store in the LaLaport Shonan Hiratsuka shopping mall opened on April 26, 2019.

Shop Japan has grown immensely since Roche’s TV Tiffany days. This store in the LaLaport Shonan Hiratsuka shopping mall opened on April 26, 2019.

Accelerated Growth

The business grew incrementally until they were bringing in about ¥1.5 billion per year. At that point, something different was needed to take the next step.

“As entrepreneurs, we love chaos. We love to be the hero. We love for there to be a problem and then come in and solve that problem,” Roche said. “H&R Consultants kind of went through this. Harry and I ran it, and then we brought in John Coomes to run it, and then Scott Reid, and then Harry went back to the States and did a big development. When he came back in 2004, there really wasn’t a spot for either of us at H&R anymore.”

So, Hill joined Oak Lawn Marketing and this, Roche said, is when things really began to take off.

“The company didn’t need a firefighter anymore; it was getting pretty standard. We had a nice foundation, but what really moved it [to the next level] was that Harry just took over and he banged it out,” he explained. “I think that, from an entrepreneur’s perspective, there is always that time when, as a founder, you have to hand off.”

Fast-forward to 2017 and Hill handed back the baton. “But he gave me a much bigger platform than I gave him,” Roche said.

Making Connections

For the success they have had, Roche credits the environment of Nagoya and the easier access to top executives compared with Tokyo.

One of the things he said was most important to him about being a young entrepreneur in Nagoya was the access to people whom he never would have met in Tokyo.

“There were all these real leaders of Japanese industry who we had access to. We never did business with those guys ever, but we learned from their demeanor, and they told us little things like, ‘Don’t say it that way.’ You would say something [in Japanese] and they would kind of twist their head and you would think, ‘Oh, that’s not the way to say that,’” he recalled. “It was this almost subliminal teaching from true leaders [that helped], and we never would have gotten access to that caliber of leader in Tokyo. The big business guys of the ACCJ in Tokyo do, and now we do. But then? No way.”

Japan is a very, very good market, because things don’t change much. And the reality is that most people in Japan want to see foreigners succeed.

To make the most of such opportunities, Roche advises entrepreneurs to learn Japanese.

“If you think you can do this without speaking Japanese, you can—you can be that unicorn—but I’ll tell you right now, it’s better to speak Japanese,” he said.

That’s because it’s the unplanned conversations you end up having with people whom you didn’t plan to meet that can make a difference and lead you down unexpected—and fruitful—paths.

“Learn Japanese if you’re going to do business in Japan, because there are all these seasoned guys like Nakamura, who could not have communicated with me in English. And I learned from that guy. That’s what really made a difference.”

More Advice

“Hire planners.” That was Roche’s tip when Weenick asked if he is a better planner today than he was 30 years ago, when he dove right into the pool of TV shopping. Often, entrepreneurs feel as if they can do it all. But to really succeed requires surrounding yourself with those who are more skilled in areas where you are weak, just as Hill and Roche complement each other in their business endeavors.

“My plan, basically, is to hire people to run the business who are better planners than me,” he said. “I hire people who can plan and not react—because I’ll react for them.”

Then Roche gave his biggest recommendation: Don’t take no for an answer. “I was told no every day, 10 times a day. You can’t do that. You can’t do that.” It’s one of the realities of Japan’s very orderly society—with its resistance to deviating from exactly what has been laid out—that can be discouraging to those wanting to explore new ideas.

But he encouraged people not to let the little things that sometimes frustrate expats get to them. “There is a tendency to get a little bit negative on Japan,” he noted. “We’ve all sat through those complaint sessions. Why do they do this? Why is it that way? Why are a bunch of things out of our control? But, really, it’s the positive nature of this that we should focus on. Japan is a very, very good market, because things don’t change much. And the reality is that most people in Japan want to see foreigners succeed.”

To sum it all up, Roche looked back at how, perhaps by lucky chance, he was accepted into the local business community, the _mura_ (village), as he called it, and why it’s important to become part of the group.

“If you hang out in the village long enough, you understand the rules and you just get incrementally bigger and bigger and bigger. And then you can diversify. I do a lot of business in China, and I do a lot of business in the States, but Japan is a really, really nice base, if you can keep it going.”

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Robert Roche Executive chairman and president Oak Lawn Marketing, Inc.ACCJ vice-president-Chubu

Robert Roche
Executive chairman and president
Oak Lawn Marketing, Inc.

ACCJ vice-president-Chubu

Michel Weenick Senior vice president, design and construction MGM Resorts Japan LLCCo-chair ACCJ-Chubu External Affairs Committee

Michel Weenick
Senior vice president, design and construction
MGM Resorts Japan LLC

ACCJ-Chubu External Affairs Committee

Harry Hill CEO and president Better-U, Inc.ACCJ governor

Harry Hill
CEO and president
Better-U, Inc.

ACCJ governor


Vol. 58 Issue 7

A flagship publication of The American Chamber of Commerce in Japan (ACCJ), The ACCJ Journal is a business magazine with a 58-year history.

Christopher Bryan Jones,
Publisher and editor-in-chief

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C Bryan Jones

Publisher and editor-in-chief, The ACCJ Journal
Executive producer and host, TFM Podcast Network


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