Legal Services & IP

The Legal Services & IP Committee monitors legal and regulatory changes, legislative initiatives, and other issues related to the practice of law, as well as intellectual property (IP) affecting the foreign business community in Japan.

It also provides input to the US and Japanese governments on legal and IP matters and actively pursues liberalization of the rules restricting the activities of foreign lawyers in Japan and the Japanese lawyers engaged in practice with them.

The committee holds seminars and workshops on topics related to the law as well as IP, often hosting US and Japanese government officials.

Legal Services & IP Committee 2023–2024


Broad issues and topics related to the law, as well as intellectual property in Japan and the US.


Find topics and themes where we can team up with other committees to cover a breadth of issues with legal and IP aspects.


Conduct topical meetings, usually on a monthly or semi-monthly basis, lately in the form of webinars due to COVID-19 restrictions.


Topics include digital issues such as digital transformation, digital healthcare and the like, additionally we will focus on intangible asset investments.


“Wine Down” events with other ACCJ members to meet up over the web, get to know each other better, discuss a timely topic and then open the floor for networking.


Past Events

See here the recording and summary of the live webinar Covid-19 Legal Challenges

See here the Legal Services & IP Committee’s in Review

See here the photos from the Legal Services & IP Committee’s New Year’s Networking

Committee co-chairs Catherine O’Connell and Scott Warren receive 2020 ACCJ Leader of the Year awards.

Legal Services & IP Leadership

Catherine O'Connell

Scott A Warren

Marc Fuoti
Vice Chair

Peter Tyksinski
Vice Chair