
The Education Committee promotes the core mission of the ACCJ – to further develop commerce between the United States of America and Japan, promote the interests of U.S. companies and members, and improve the international business environment in Japan – by increasing the number of young people in both countries committed to the relationship and capable of working successfully in the global arena.   In pursuit of this goal, and in line with the ACCJ’s three pillars of activity, Committee priorities include:

Fostering “global human resources” through internships, educational exchanges, and other training opportunities aimed at the next generation of American and Japanese leaders.

Advocating for governmental and private-sector policies (such as adjusting the Japanese school year, hiring schedule, and education and employment-related tax benefits) that encourage greater study abroad by Japanese and the development of globally-competent individuals, and publicizing the importance and benefits of globally-competent workforce development to member companies and the general public, and incentivizing concrete actions toward this end; and

Networking: ​
Providing networking and mentoring opportunities for ACCJ members and the next generation of leaders of the bilateral relationship, and establishing the ACCJ as a partner and nexus for US-Japan organizations and institutions active in student, legislative, artistic, and other exchanges; and
The Education Committee's Internship Portal page is an online platform where​ internships at ACCJ member companies are posted in an effort to incentivize bilateral educational exchange and provide students with opportunities to develop global skills.  More information on the Internship Portal and how your company can participate in this program can be found on the ACCJ Internship Portal​ page here.

Education Leadership


Alan Brender

Ginger Griggs


Thierry Porte
Vice Chair

Michael Omoto
Vice Chair

Kango Nakatake
Vice Chair