All-Member Town Hall: New Digital Agenda (NDA) White Paper Task Force

ACCJ All-Member Town Hall – Friday, July 3, 2020


Peter Fitzgerald, ACCJ President

  •  Wishing everyone a happy 4th of July and hoping you have the opportunity to spend time with your loved ones.

  • The ACCJ’s commitment to strong advocacy efforts continue.  We are repeatedly engaging GOJ stakeholders (METI, MOFA, MOJ, and Immigration) to achieve fair and equal treatment of all residents of Japan as it relates to COVID-19 travel policies and privileges, and are in constant communication with the U.S. Embassy. 


Chris LaFleur, ACCJ Chairman

  •  In our dialogue with GOJ, the Chamber is also emphasizing the necessity of clear communication lines with airlines to mitigate the risk of re-entry refusals and minimize the consequent effects and burden on airlines.


Laura Younger, ACCJ Executive Director

  • Website traffic is up 76% from the average number of visits since the onset of the pandemic, which we hope is another sign of increasing economic activity and recovery, as well as an indicator of the value of our information network and programming.

  • The Taxation Committee recently released a statement recommending revisions to the individual tax system to strengthen support for Tokyo as a global financial center, as GOJ considers actions attracting players in the financial sector.

  • Reminder from the U.S. Embassy that appointments are reserved for urgent matters only.  Passport renewals are now easier, however, with the recent implementation of online payments.  For more information on this new process, read here.

  • The Chamber is preparing to offer hybrid events, which will include a virtual component and provide our members with more options to host and participate in ACCJ activities.


Jim Foster, Senior Advisor, ACCJ New Digital Agenda Task Force

  • The global pandemic has accelerated significant technological and workplace changes across numerous industries.  Recognizing the opportunity for a new digital agenda for innovation and growth in Japan, the ACCJ created the New Digital Agenda Task Force.

  • Building on the 2009 Internet Economy White Paper and the achievements of Internet Economy Dialogue, the Task Force will look at how U.S. and Japanese companies can grow responsibly through digital over the next decade. 

  • The Task Force will research and draft a white paper within one year, and will contract a major consulting firm with broad international experience in digital policy to conduct research and generate the paper.  Help transform the future - learn more and get involved here.


ACCJ All-Member Town Hall, July 31


All-Member Town Hall: Government of Japan Talks Re-Entry Travel Ban, June 12