ACCJ Virtual Town Hall - April 24, 2020

Guest speakers:

  • Keith Kirkham, Minister-Counselor, Foreign Commercial Service, U.S. Embassy

  • Charles Kelly, Executive Director, CBRE

Peter Fitzgerald, ACCJ President

  • General remarks:

    • Business community is anxious about cash flow and cost savings, but many are seizing opportunities to invest in growth markets such as e-commerce and digital communication.

    • We are at a stage where digitization and widespread partnerships will drive Japan’s future further and faster; inspirational how quickly members are adapting and embracing new technology.

    • Although Golden Week is dubbed as “stay-at-home week,” also a good occasion to focus on taking care of yourself.

  • On ACCJ:

    • Staying focused on delivering value to the membership, managing expectations, and smart cost-saving measures.

    • We are adopting a 100% digital mindset until resuming in-person events is safe and feasible.  Will re-assess after Golden Week.

    • To date, over 2,000 members and guests have participated in events, with registration numbers continually climbing.

Christopher LaFleur, ACCJ Chairman

  • GOJ will closely monitor the number of cases over Golden Week and decide whether the state of emergency should be extended.

  • ACCJ advocacy efforts continue, with pending discussions with USG about the prospects of starting the second phase of U.S.-Japan trade negotiations.

Laura Younger, ACCJ Executive Director

  • Heartfelt thanks to the committee leaders as they continue pursuing creative and relevant content for our members.

  • We hope to reach others in the broader business community to further strengthen our networks and provide greater support to those in need.

  • ACCJ takes security concerns very seriously. Standby for additional changes to ACCJ’s digital platforms while we experiment with different technologies to meet member needs.

  • The next pulse survey will be released shortly, with requests for inputs on topics you would like the ACCJ to research and assist you with.

Keith Kirkham, Minister-Counselor, Foreign Commercial Service, U.S. Embassy

  • Our work is comprised of three main components: 

    • Assist U.S. companies trying to reach the Japanese market and clarify USG/GOJ policies or close information gaps affecting U.S. companies operating in Japan

    • Promote U.S. companies and raise their profile in Japan by facilitating connections and platforms to showcase their solutions to pressing challenges and frequently asked questions 

    • Support U.S.-Japan partnerships in other countries and markets 

Charles Kelly, Executive Director, CBRE
Our survey of over 300 companies revealed:

  • 90% will invest more in technology as a result of the virus

  • 93% intend to increase adoption of remote work

Trends in the real estate market vary.

  • Tenants in the retail sector are seeking rent relief or abatement due to lower sales.

    • Shift in focus and performance from experiential retail to essential goods (e.g., supermarkets, bulk stores, pharmacies).

    • Supply chain and logistic interruptions compound the sales challenges in retail.

  • Every major city is experiencing all-time low vacancy rates in office space.

Specific to Tokyo:

  • Office space vacancy rate is less than 1%.

  • 90% of new supply in 2020 has been pre-committed. No cancellations so far but subject to change.

  • Landlords starting to make concessions in response to the evolving crisis but very much on a case-by-case basis. 

Questions & Answers
What are the prospects of government policy actively encouraging landlords to offer concessions on rent?

  • Uncertain. The overall mood is to wait and see. 

  • Some countries have coalesced with a unified response, but that is not yet the case in Japan.


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