Audio C Bryan Jones Audio C Bryan Jones

Telemedicine and the NHI System

The medical industry is one of the hardest to disrupt. In some ways, that’s a good thing. Lives are literally at stake, so there’s a good argument to be made for being conservative and taking things slowly. But looking at the National Health Insurance (NHI) system in Japan—and the health systems of all developed nations—it becomes obvious that not only can improvements be made, but that they must be made. (From the February 2021 issue of The ACCJ Journal.)

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Audio C Bryan Jones Audio C Bryan Jones

Virtual Worlds, Real Gain

For many people, one of the hardest parts of the coronavirus pandemic has been staying home. With fewer opportunities for outdoor exercise and trips to the gym, keeping in shape has become more difficult. One option often overlooked is virtual reality (VR). Sometimes seen as a niche technology that appeals mainly to hardcore enthusiasts, VR has evolved rapidly in recent years and offers easy, immersive ways to exercise—or just reduce stress—when working from home. (From the February 2021 issue of The ACCJ Journal.)

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