Cisco vs COVID-19

At Cisco Systems G.K., helping our customers, partners, communities and people take advantage of technology in times of massive transformation is core to who we are. In these challenging times of uncertainty, we are committed to providing viable solutions to the global community and supporting those in need.

Supporting Our People
Cisco provides free offerings and cloud-based services across Webex, security solutions and more, in order to:

  • Limit our employees’ exposure and spread of the coronavirus;

  • Remain connected, productive and work securely;

  • Get customers up and running quickly to support productive and secure remote-working environments.

Supporting Business Continuity
Over the last few months, our partners, supply chain, customer support, and IT teams have been preparing for this pandemic. The dynamic situation has certainly caused unpredictability, but we have responded by:

  • Organizing our manufacturing, component suppliers and logistics operations teams to focus on rerouting orders, expediting alternate supplies, and adding manufacturing capabilities around the world using their experiences.

  • Managing contingencies on a daily and even hourly basis, to ensure continued access to the equipment and connectivity needed to combat and contain the coronavirus and maintain productivity.

  • Providing advice on remote business continuity more widely available on our Supporting Business Continuity site, to share information on a number of best practices we employ ourselves and with our customers.

  • To ensure your employees stay connected to their teams while working remotely from home, you can learn more about our free video conferencing solutions here as well as our top tips on maximizing remote working.

  • To keep remote business operations secure, you can learn more about our range of free security offerings here.

Supporting the Community
Most importantly, we will do whatever it takes to support those whose lives have been impacted by this pandemic and those on the frontlines:

  • With help from our partners, we have brought video conferencing and networking solutions to medical facilities and doctors as well as schools in China, Italy, Japan, and South Korea. In total, we have donated over $1M worth of collaboration and networking technologies globally, with more to come.

  • We strive to provide the best available medical support, emergency time off, and are committed to paying our hourly workers full pay.

  • We have also limited, postponed and suspended employees’ travel, gatherings and global events, in addition to encouraging them to work from home.

To find our more, please reach out to your regular Cisco contact for assistance and advice or simply email us at

●      社員の感染リスクを軽減するため
●      関係者とつながり、生産性と安全性を維持できるため
●      お客様が迅速にリモートワークの環境に着手できるため
この数ヶ月間にわたって、当社のパートナー、サプライ チェーン、カスタマー サポート、ITチームは世界的な感染症の拡大に備えて準備を進めてきました。大きな状況変化は予測が難しくはありますが、以下の方法で対応を進めてきました。
●      これまでの経験を踏まえながら、製造、部品供給、物流の各部門が、世界中で注文処理、代替部品の確保、製造能力の拡大に注力
●      時間の単位で緊急事態への対応し、コロナウイルスと戦いビジネスの生産性を維持するために必要な機器およびソリューションを提供
●      リモートでの事業継続に役立つ情報を自社サイトSupporting Business Continuity (英語)にて広く提供し、シスコ自身またはシスコのお客様が採用している多くの事例を紹介
●      リモートワークの業務効率を高めるご要望をお持ちであれば、無償のWeb会議ソリューションのページ(英語)をご参照ください。
●      リモートワーク環境におけるセキュリティの確保については無償のセキュリティサービスに関するページをご参照ください。
●      カリフォルニア州サンタクララ郡:コロナウィルスから派生する疾病のためにホームレスとなる怖れがある家庭や個人に対する寄付活動
●      中国、イタリア、韓国:パートナー企業の協力を得て、医療施設や医師、学校にビデオ会議とネットワークソリューションを提供。これまでに合計100万ドルを超えるコラボレーションおよびネットワーク技術を世界中に提供しており、今後も継続する予定。
●      社員とその安全の確保:最善の医療支援と緊急時の休暇提供、そして時給ベースで働く社員への全額支払いを約束
●      在宅勤務に加え、すべての社員に対する出張やイベント、ミーティングなどの中止や延期を決定


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