2024 Marriage Equality Viewpoint

Five years since the landmark Viewpoint to Support the Recruitment and Retention of Talent by Instituting Marriage Equality in Japan was first issued, the ACCJ continues to urge to the Government of Japan (GOJ) for stronger actions towards legalizing same-sex marriage.

The Viewpoint covers three main areas for improvement:

  • Increase International Competitiveness In Attracting Diverse Talent: The Cost of Attracting and Retaining LGBT Talent

  • Drive Innovation Through Encouraging Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

  • Support a More Diverse and Inclusive Community

The updated viewpoint follows a June 2023 law that fell short of providing LGBT persons the rights and protections provided by Japan’s G7 nation counterparts. Instituting marriage equality in Japan will improve the competitive disadvantage that Japanese companies face in recruiting and retaining talent as they are forced to compensate for government inaction by creating administratively and financially burdensome special benefits packages for their employees who are in a committed same-sex relationship.

We urge the GOJ to bring protection of LGBTQ+ rights in line with other G7 nations to bolster Japan’s ability to attract global talent, further Japan's economic potential, and create a more inclusive living and working environment. The ACCJ is a longtime advocate for workplace reforms and promoting diverse and equitable hiring practices in Japan.

READ ACCJ VIEWPOINT: Support the Recruitment and Retention of Talent by Instituting Marriage Equality in Japan


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