The Day of an ACCJ Event

Event Support

  • Committee Coordinator will be present at the event and will be available to support the committee chair and speaker regarding the venue and AV equipment.

  • Committee leaders planning events are encouraged to discuss their preferences with their committee coordinators at least a week before the event so that the necessary preparations can be made.


  • Guidelines for greeting the speaker and facilitating their experience and the entire order of events can be found in the ACCJ Speaker Internal Protocol, which should be reviewed by leaders prior to each event.

Master of Ceremonies (MC)

Head Table

  • Committee leaders may decide to have a “head table” at the event, in which case the Committee Coordinator will draft the head table. 

  • Head table will include, but not limited to, the following: 

    • speaker 

    • speaker guest

    • emcee

    • committee leaders hosting the event 

    • elected ACCJ Board of Governors and leaders

    • representatives from ACCJ Corporate Sustaining Member companies

    • representatives from co-hosting organizations, if present

    • ACCJ Executive Director

  • Seating assignments at the head table will be marked by tent cards at each place setting.

  • Some committees prefer to ensure that each table in the room has at least one committee leader or elected leader seated there, to better connect participants to the ACCJ leadership.


  • For on the record events, ACCJ staff member may take photos to be used on the ACCJ website and ACCJ social networking sites (SNS) like Facebook, X, LinkedIn, and Instagram.

  • For off the record events, ACCJ staff may take photos for record-keeping and to share on SNS sites with the speaker’s permission. Photos taken during off the record events will be archived.

Video Recordings

  • The ACCJ does not permit distributing recordings of paid ACCJ events publicly on YouTube and social media platforms, since access to ACCJ events is an exclusive ACCJ member benefit.

    Brief video excerpts of on-the-record events can be published with permission of the speaker and advance notice to the ACCJ Communications Department.

    Name Tags

  • When appropriate, Committee Coordinators prepare name tags for event attendees. 

    • ACCJ Leaders will have a red sticker on their name cards indicating that they are a leader. 

    • New ACCJ members will have a blue sticker on their name tags.

  • Committee leaders are encouraged to welcome new members to the ACCJ and to their committees.




How to Promote ACCJ Events