Local Charities Need Your Help

ACCJ sponsored charities are providing vital services to help communities in Japan combat the current health crisis. The following organizations have requested support from ACCJ members to help those most in need. If you'd like to donate, please contact the organizations at the e-mails below:

Mirai no Mori: In need of financial and in-kind support to continue its programs for youth in institutional care who are preparing for full indepence once they reach the mandatory move-out age of 18. COVID-19 has further limited the options available for this population of young adults.

Contact: Kozue Oka | k.oka@mirai-no-mori.jp

Tokyo Union ChurchIn need of volunteers and financial support
Contact: Mr. Larry Mojumdar | 090-2216-1977

YouMeWe: In need of masks and alcohol spray
Contact: Michael Clemons | michael@youmewenpo.org

Second Harvest: In need of volunteers, financial funding, food, letters of encouragement
Contact: Charles McJilton | charles@2hj.org 

YMCA: In need of meals for children and transportation services to transport food
Contact: Hiroko Ohiwa | ohiwa.hiroko@japanymca.org


Help Prepare and Deliver Bento to the Homeless


2020 Chubu (Virtual) Walkathon Success!