Banking, Finance & Capital Markets

The Banking, Finance & Capital Markets Committee follows a holistic approach to financial services issues while reflecting expertise in the various sectors, serving its members with information on financial services regulations and market developments.

We advocate for our members by issuing viewpoints and public comments, and taking our message to the Japanese government, regulatory agencies and politicians while coordinating our advocacy with other industry associations in Japan, and with U.S. government agencies.

This committee also reaches out to regional and multilateral organizations to participate in broader regulatory reform processes. In addition to our monthly meetings (except August and December), we meet with regulators and legislators for our advocacy efforts.

We participate in Task Forces, help draft white papers, and join briefings with U.S. government officials. Members interested in following key developments in the Banking, Finance and Capital Markets areas are encouraged to join this committee.

Banking, Finance & Capital Markets Leadership

Mitchell A. Mason

Ren Kuroda

Hiroshi Ueki
Vice Chair